Wynand Wessels

Dr Paul Bland


Letter from IMechE


                   On behalf of the IMechE headquarters in London, and the IMechE Thailand members chair Mr Wynand Wessels, I would like to congratulate TSME on their first international conference and also in bringing together our respective professional engineering institutions.

                   The IMechE is an outward facing international organisation, meaning we place great value in building collaboration with other groups and acting across national boarders. Population growth, environmental concerns and economics are forcing the world to face up to some of the biggest challenges it has ever faced. As a consequence, the IMechE has adopted four key themes of energy, environment, transport and education.

                   Professional mechanical engineers acting in unison on an international platform, are vital in helping to overcome global challenges, to improve the world through engineering and to change the way we live. The collaborative activities and links between our institutions here in Thailand are just at the beginning of what will hopefully be a continuous steady strengthening process.

                   On a personal note, I look forward to attending the technical sessions, meeting colleagues again, and discussing how to build on our current collaboration.

                   Finally, thank you in advance to our hosts, Ubonratchathani University, for what I am sure will be a most enjoyable and productive conference.





Dr Paul Bland