Registration Information
submitters will need to create an account in the submission system. Look for a
menu link provided at the top of the page. After an account has been created, the
author can login to the submission system and submit an article for peer review. Before attending the TSME-ICoME 2024 to present each work, the speaker is required to register in the registration system. Other participants (non-speakers) are also required to register to attend the conference.
Registration fees according to types of registration are as follows:

1) Choose *AIP for SCOPUS indexed publication (AIP Publishing).
2) Choose *JRAME for SCOPUS indexed publication (journal publication).
3) All registration fees and payment are non-refundable.
4) Make a domestic payment in Thai baht or, otherwise, an international payment in US dollars.
5) Bank fees charged for transaction services are an extra payment for each registration. Make sure that the full amount of the registration fee is accurately paid for each registration.
6) A speaker registration includes presenting 1 accepted paper.
7) Please note that only ACCEPTED AND PRESENTED papers will be published in the conference proceedings after the conference.
8) All registration fees include lunch (11-13 December) and Banquet (12 December).
9) Payment methods are available via credit card and bank transfer.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Please note that publishing research articles in the AIP Proceedings and JRAME will take more time than publishing them in the TSME Proceedings. Under time constraints, authors may consider publishing their works in the TSME Proceedings if they would like to get their articles published within a certain time frame (approximately 1-2 months after the conference dates).
Details for payment via bank transfer will be posted when the peer review process is completed. Please process payment after the acceptance of the full manuscript has been notified.

The information about the conference will be constantly updated. For more information, please contact the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering at Sriracha, Kasetsart University.
Tel. (+66) 38-352818 Ext. 662202,662821 Mobile (+66) N/A
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